Thursday, September 4, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

Today is the 1st day in a very long time that we don't have anything going on tonight. Besides of course the usual: dinner, baths, homework, cleaning up the house, etc. But no one has to be anywhere tonight. No football, no meetings, no family functions, no dinner plans, Nothing, nada, zilch!! After I pick up the littles from school, I am stopping at the liquor store and buying a bottle of wine. Mmmmm. We are having tacos for dinner, something everyone will actually eat and then I am taking an hour to catch up on my DVR and enjoy my wine. Then of course it will be bath time and story time and homework time and all of those other duties that we moms most contend with. But for the 1st time in a very long time I get to set the schedule, and tonight we are doing it mommys way!

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